Spring News!

The "Winter Blue" benefit show will soon come to a close...there is still time to purchase a piece from this show and support our "Code Blue" shelter. Fortunately, they are continuing their services as temperatures remain frigid here at night! They still need your help. Stop by and purchase an item, volunteer or just write them a check !!! 
Check out their needs online....http://www.opendoor-ny.org/

...finally it's official, however not in the air. It continues to be very cold here in the northeast. As always, we know that soon bits of green will start to appear and we will be itching to get our hands dirty and knees to the ground as we start to prepare our garden beds.

Join us for an exciting exhibition and sale of works by Lorna Weekes! 
The gallery will be alive with leaves of all sizes and colors. Suitable for indoor or outdoor use, these colorful sculptures are sure to inspire!

Coming in May!

June 6 - July 11, 2015
"The Traveler"
Plein Air Paintings by Fred Holman
Plein Air Painting June 6th 10 - 4
Reception to follow 4 - 6 pm


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