July~August Exciting Happenings

Sat. July 21, 5-8 pm is the Awards ceremony and reception. As co-founder and past president of this organization celebrating 10 years, 2018, I am proud to be a part of hosting our 4th National Pastel Exhibition. Stop by the SF Gallery at 71 Lawrence St. Glens Falls, NY to view the many ways this medium is used to create beautiful works of art! Closing August 11! I am pleased to say that my paninting "Sasha on Buck Mountain" was received in to the show. Studio Update! Saturday, August 4 from 10 - 5 Join me and the North Country Arts for their first organized studio tour. NCArts Studio Tour ( Facebook Event) Bev's Studio "Racket Rivers Edge" "Hudson River View" Creating small works that are easier on your budget, depicting our beautiful region. "Maine Harbor" Work in Progress Northwest Bay, Lake George, NY Prints are a...