Clay Concepts ~ Pottery by Dolores Thomson

"Creating with clay has been a journey of self discovery. In learning to center the clay, I found a way to center myself. As I explore the variety of forms and learn the complexities of the ceramic process. I find new ways in which to express myself. Nature as well as Native American and Japanese aesthetics inpires my designs and the forms I make. The majority of my work consists of wheel thrown vessels. For me, the vessel is representative of the silf, a receptacle for things that matter and need to be kept safe. In ancient times the vessel was symbol  for the Feminie; the giver of life, well being and nourishment. 
Clay has taught me to have focus and ptience. By it's very nature, cay connects us to the erth and I find my awareness of nature heightened. As I continue to create with clay, I continue to create myself". ~ Dolores Thomson~

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